I was told “Stop being such a man” from a guy I was seeing.
I laughed.
& then I asked him why he thought that.
I was a ‘man’ because I didn’t play the damsel role like he wanted.
I was a ‘man’ because I didn’t wait for him to solve my problems, I solve my own.
I was a ‘man’ because I don’t need a hero, I am my own hero.
I was a ‘man’ because I could take my feelings out of the equation.
I was a ‘man’ because I didn’t let him walk all over me and I called him on his bullshit.
I was a ‘man’ because I was strong despite everything that has happened to me.
To him,
this was a flaw in my character.
He told me I needed to “be less”.
I needed to take a step back and “let” him.
I needed to be a little less “me” so he could feel secure in his manhood.
I needed to dim my light so it wouldn’t overpower his.
I needed to change who I was because it was intimidating to this ‘man’.
I won’t ever change who I am.
I won’t ever apologize for being ‘too’ strong or too ‘much’ for someone else’s taste.
I won’t ever be anyone but me and if that doesn’t work for you, you know where the door is.
I am a strong woman & I’ve been through hell but it hasn’t broken me - it moulded me.
I won’t apologize for the woman that I have become because I have worked damn hard to become her and I love her.